
Showing posts from June, 2015

Marathon Weekly...what's ahead?

The chaos of summer is in full swing, O started soccer last week and I am in the midst of peak trauma season at work. I’m exhausted! Twice this past week I have been in bed at 8pm! I’m remembering why marathon training in the summer is such a tough thing but we are doing it or at least some mild attempt! Last week actually wasn’t bad considering. I’m increasing my running but still doubtful of being able to train as hard as I’d like. I’m keeping up with PT exercises almost daily. Monday:  4 mile run/walk with Cooper and Beast Chest Tuesday:  Run 6 mile run 7 min and walk 3 min and Beast Back Wednesday:  12 unexpected hours at work! Thursday:  Run 6.5 miles 7and 3 Friday:   Spin class and Beast Arms Saturday:  12 miles!! 8 and 2 run/walk in 1:53 then 1 mile walk with O Sunday:  Another long work day, but did Beast Shoulders This marks Week 3 in this thing called marathon training, I also have a half marathon this weekend. The o...

I'm not a walker!

I’m not a walker, at least not today! There is nothing wrong with walking, I mean I love it! Taking O or Cooper out on a nice day or walking to grab a few things from the store. I love it when that is my intention. But as a rehabbing runner being called a walker sucks! Source   I’m sure some of bitterness is from the fact that the past couple weeks have been crazy and mixed in with that is that marathon training started and I’m limited. Don’t get me wrong I am happy that I have progressed like I have. 17 days ago I was cleared to run 5 mins and increase, well I’m up to 7 mins of running and it is pain free! Don’t get me wrong this is huge but I’m ready for more. I head back on Wednesday for a re-evaluation and further clearance. Tuesday I was out for a run/walk after a long, crazy work day when I needed to clear my mind and find clarity for a few things. Any runner knows this clarity only comes through a great run. Here I am out running, feeling good but watching my watc...

Here we go, ready or not! Marathon training is back!

Last week I received clearance to run and started with the intervals after 4 weeks off, so happy for no more elliptical since it was causing new issues. We had a fun but busy weekend, the joy of summer! Parade, birthday parties, bonfire, fireworks and bike rides compete with late nights and not enough sleep for O. Even Cooper enjoyed the parade! Monday:  BB Legs and 3 mile walk with Cooper Tuesday:  BB Back and run/walk (5 miles 54:00) Wednesday:  BB Arms/Core and P90X Kenpo Thursday:  Run/walk 3.2 miles (35:00) and BB Shoulders Friday:   Yoga and walk Saturday:  BB Chest and T25 Cardio Sunday:  BB Legs and run/walk 6.5 (1:02) O finished the last ½ mile with me the 7 mile bike with family One step closer to her own bike without training wheels! Today officially marks the start to marathon training and another internal debate. Will I be ready or do I not run it? Find another marathon to give me more time? I’m tired of ru...

Marathon Training After Injury

Marathon training after an injury can be both scary and exciting at the same time, the what ifs are awful. Will things go great? Will the injury come back? How much can I push myself? I’ve been on this injury/training roller coaster for the past two years and I want to be done, I want a smooth road ahead! Here are my tips to get through a success come back marathon training Accept that I probably won’t PR! I had originally this fall would be my big goal marathon but now rethinking my plans and may just aim for a BQ instead. But first we see what the next 16 weeks brings. Listen to my body! This is huge and something I (and most runners/athletes forget). We think we just need to push through, running hurts right?! Pain in the hamstring = stop! Start slow and build slow. Don’t expect to be where I left off preinjury. I need to learn my new comfort zone and work with this for now until I can progress. Fix the underlying problem. Now that the injury is gone the goal is fo...

Injury Update...

4 weeks ago I got the news I already knew…no running! Over the past year I have been forced to take off 4 months of running, not good for me! I’m done with forced time off, I want to be smart and run well. Yesterday I met with the doctor again and he’s happy with my progress! I’ve gone from barely being able to move to using weight for exercises. I couldn’t walk pain free now I’m pain free 99% of the time! He cleared me to start more aggressive PT and they had a cancellation for yesterday so I grabbed it. My strength has gone from 2/5 to 4/5! With all this I have been cleared to run! Well only 5 minutes at a time but it is something. So I can do run/walk (elliptical) intervals to mimic the same running I’d normally do. I can slowly increase run time as long as I have no pain. They both think I should be fully running and strong in 2-3 weeks! The nitroglycerin worked! I will continue the nitro and have about 1 hour PT exercises daily. I have to roll twice on days I do cardi...

Almost there...Injury and back to running

Well I survived another week of not running, almost there but this weekend hasn’t been nice to my body! Saturday the elliptical irritated my peroneal tendon, didn’t have an issue until after or I would have quit and then Sunday While carrying laundry I managed to kick a 25 lb weight with my bare toe and pretty sure it is broken. At least it is only my little toe. It was great to get in 2 tough spin sessions and more strength work. Monday:  P90X+ Intervals and BB Chest/Core Tuesday:  BB Legs and 1 hour elliptical Wednesday:  BB Back/Core and T25 Alpha Cardio Thursday:  BB Arms Friday:   BB Shoulders/Core and Spin Saturday:  2 hours Elliptical Sunday:  BB Chest/Core and 75 min spin class This is it my final week of no running, I’m being optimistic! I can not handle any more elliptical, not just mentally but my foot doesn’t like it. Everyone send my good thoughts tomorrow around noon! I’m hoping to start marathon trai...

5 for Friday

I know I try to stick with a fitness theme on Fridays but today I'm venturing of to talk about the 5 big things happening in my life right now... 1) Preschool Graduation for O... With her friend She was thrilled to get her diploma and keep her tassel! So cute for all the littles in their caps/gowns. I think it has given her a little better idea of what my graduation will be like next month. They all had to say what they want to be when they grow up, the kids gave answers like race car driver, mom, author, astronaut and then O..."I want to be a doctor, but not do surgery maybe I'll just give medicines to fix them." 2) Despite not running I'm still pushing through! Lots of cross training and strength workout and not to mention about 1 hour of PT exercises spread throughout the day! This guy means business when he said I'll be strong by the time marathon training starts he wasn't joking! Spin class today in between writing sessions and laundry....

National Run Day Survey

Since I'm still a runner at hear I had to participate even though I'm not celebrating National Running Day like a runner should. 5 more days... Why do you run?   Now because I love it! I started to prove to myself that I could run a marathon and for some stress relief. It is my time to not worry about being a mom, my thesis, work, etc. How do you plan to celebrate National Running Day?   I wish running but I'm still out :( How many miles have you run so far this year?   725.4 What big events do you have on the race calendar so far this year?   Not much unlike usual! TCM in fall and a half but nothing else. Oh and Ragnar!! Before you leave for a run you must have:   my phone, a hat and the rest depends of how far I'm running. My UCAN for long distances. Do you have one favorite app to track your runs?   Not really, I do have Runtastic on my phone but rarely use it. Who is your favorite running partner?   I actually don't min...

Weekly updates and surviving when things don't go as planned

I debated even doing a weekly post this week, I lost it…my motivation has disappeared, my acceptance of not running is gone instead these are replaced by frustration and lack of motivation for another minute of indoor workout! But would I be honest if I only shared my good weeks…I did manage to do PT exercises daily so that’s a bonus. The week ended with a glass of wine and wanting to run. A fried sent me this and I think I need it! Monday:  BB Shoulders/core and T25 Speed Tuesday:  Yoga and 1 hour elliptical Wednesday:  BB Back/Bicep and T25 Alpha Cardio Thursday:  BB Back/Biceps Friday:   BB Chest/Tris and Yoga T25 Core Cardio Saturday:  2 hour Elliptical and 15 min Rowing and core Sunday:  Work BB Back/Biceps and P90X+ Kenpo (Love it!) 1 hour walk with Cooper Today is a new week and a new month so I am focused I can do this. 8 days until I see the doctor! Monday:  P90X+ Intervals and BB Chest/Core T...