How a runner celebrates a birthday

Yesterday I was asked how I planned to celebrate my birthday which is today. My reply was something that sounded perfect to me but got some strange here it my plans for the day

5:30am Hill workout with a great group of runners
  • 1 mile warm up run
  • 20 Lunges, 20 High Knee Skips, 20 Speed striders
  • Repeat until up hill
  • Easy 1/4 mile downhill
  • Repeat x 5
  • 1 mile cool down run

Followed by my 1st free coffee of the day from Caribou which I quickly grabbed on my way home.

I arrived home to hear "Happy Birthday Mommy" from a very smiley little girl and my great birthday card

And now I head off to work for a few hours and more free coffee from Dunn Bros. Folowled by an afternoon strength session with my trainer. As gacgirl who knows me so well posted on Facebook...
"Happy birthday Jen! Enjoy some sushi, wine, and a run!"

My evening plans are sushi and wine, what a great way to enjoy my birthday. What is your favorite way to spend a birthday?


  1. Happy Birthday!!! I love your way of celebrating...sushi, wine, and a run sounds perfect!! Hope you have a great day! It's my little man's birthday today too! :-)

    1. The day was nearly perfect except the afternoon rain forcing me inside for a second!

  2. Fun! Happy birthday! Sounds like a perfect day to me:)

  3. Happy birthday, yes I try not to EVER discuss my running 'habit' with my more normal friends - it never ends well ;D
    I love for my birthday to go by unnoticed but now I have kids we have a cake and they make cards, just low key and family, just the way I like every day to be!
    Enjoy the sushi and vino collapso!

    1. SO true! Nonrunners always think I am nuts! I love having my blog as an outlet for all my running talk :)

  4. Jen! I was going back through to find the questions from the Liebster, and found this post while we were on vacation in NY- so sorry I missed your birthday! Happy belated birthday! :)


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