Weekly Goals and Not Getting Overwhelmed

weekly chase, goals, setting goals
Weekly Chase
As great as I did last week there is a lot left undone. I am lacking some motivation and have a tough time starting stuff right now (or following through when it gets boring). I get frustrated when things get overwhelming and tend to not do much at these times. This is unfortunately a frequent occurrence at the start of a semester which was last Monday. I need to find my pattern and get back into the swing of the school/ work combo.

How was last week?...
Goal #1 Workouts...

  • Mon: AM: Bike PM: Strength - No bike but a walk
  • Tues: AM: Boot Camp PM: Run -  Yes
  • Wed: AM: Speed Run PM: Strength - Yes
  • Thurs: AM: Boot Camp PM: Run - Yes
  • Fri: AM: Run PM: Strength or Bike or Pilates - Am: strength PM: Speed work
  • Sat: AM: Run PM: Swim- No swim
  • Sun: AM: Long Run- 21.6 Miles in 3:05:30

  • Goal #2 Eating: Stick with planned meals and limit the birthday treats and drinks. Pretty good only 2 meals out, stuck with meal plans but a little extra wine involved

    Goal #3 Lay out my semester schedule for both teaching and my own school and make a plan of attack. Nope, tomorrow

    Goal #4 Spend quality time with family and hubby.Could be better, but getting there.

    My goals from this week...

    Goal #1 Half Marathon on Saturday, finish feeling like I pushed with all I had and hopefully a PR My time goals: A) 1:37 B) 1:35 C) 1:30

    Goal #2 Find a new pair of running shoes. I've worn the same shoes for years and the new model is awful! I have 2 on order and need to try a couple treadmill runs this week.

    Goal #3 Make weekly to do lists starting today and plan school, work, workouts and family time.

    Goal #4 Workouts

  • Mon: PM: Strength, ? Swim
  • Tues: AM: Spin Class PM: Run 
  • Wed: AM: Speed Run PM: Strength 
  • Thurs: AM: Spin Class PM: Run 
  • Fri: AM: Run PM: Bike or Swim
  • Sat: AM: Half Marathon PM: Strength
  • Sun: AM: Run or Bike

  • Goal #5 Clean our office at home. I have neglected housework and the entire thing needs a good cleaning, so my goal will be one room a week starting with the piles in the office and hopefully getting some money from selling some old books.


    1. where's the rest and recovery day?? Happy Birthday for last week!

      1. I know, bad huh! I am terrible at rest days lately although I think today is turning into an easy ab workout only and a walk. I think I am taking advantage of my last free week and getting as much in a possible.

    2. I think you're doing great! It's so hard to fit it all in. Sounds like you are more than busy! I like how you're laying out your fitness plan. I started doing that last week and it really helped me wrap my head around what I needed to do. I, like you, tend to get bored easily. I also get sidetracked easily... Good luck with this week's goals!

      1. It helps so much to have a plan to refer to. Good luck to you :)

    3. Wow, another half already! You've gotten in lots of races this summer! I'm looking forward to a few races this fall when the temps finally drop off around here. :)

      1. I am hoping the temps are cooler then they are today (90F)! I use these as my speedwork a lit and since I have only done 1 other half in May I decided (and was talked into) this would be fun :)

    4. I agree you are doing great. Good luck with your half marathon Saturday and with all of your goals! Have a great week!

      1. Thanks, hoping the weather cools a bit for the race :)

    5. Awesome job! I need to lay out a good workout/training routine, too. If I don't have a decent schedule, like you, I get overwhelmed. Even though I may not stick to it 100%, I know what to expect on a daily basis.

      1. I agree laying out a schedule really helps in all aspects of life. It is tougher to ignore something if it is planned.


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