Long Run Nutrition for a Happy GI

As I have mentioned before I have many issues with food intolerances, eating before a workout and fueling during a long run without consequences during and afterwards. As I head out for a 20 Mile run this morning I am making some changes to the plan in hopes of solving many of these issues.

Since it falls in line with Day 26 of the August Challenge: What do you eat before a workout I figured I'd document my strange morning routine.

1st I should say that my pre workout food varies on duration of exercise. Many mornings I have nothing or a handful of GF pretzels on my way to Boot Camp. But anything longer I need food (and coffee).

I decided to instead of my normal pre run GF toast and almond butter I would make my typical banana oatmeal protein cake and have coffee.

Today I took advice of long time running friends and will try Hammer Nutrition Perpetuem
Perpetuem - Endurance Fuel
I was impressed to head to their website and see a list of solutions to common endurance problems including GI distress. In a few hours I will know for sure how well it works, wish me luck.

Okay, back from 20 miles (21.60 to be exact) and the verdict...I love Perpetuem. This is the first long run in probably years where I haven't wanted to curl up in a ball and lay down on the side of the road.

Now off to fill my stomach with some wonderful Thai food while spending time with a great friend.


  1. Yay for a happy tummy!!! Glad you found something that works for you! Congrats on the 21 miler!!!

    1. Thanks, it was amazing to finally run again without tummy issues :)


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