Weekly Goals

weekly chase, goals, setting goals
How did I do last week?
Goal #1 Register to take NASM CPT exam. Nope, well I tried and I guess I am missing some clearance code that I can't get until next week when the office opens

Goal #2 Cook at least 1 new meal this week. Yes, actually 2 new things the 1st was enchiladas (recipe below) and 2nd Zucchini noodle bake

Goal #3 Swim at least once. That fell apart, my plan was to swim this morning but I woke up with a headache and needed more sleep.

Goal #4 Drink 100+ ounces of water daily. Yes, did great! My days ranged from 108-120oz

Goals for this week...
Goal #1 Boot Camp goal for the week is to eat more leafy greens (at least 2 servings daily). I am on a salad kick right now so thins shouldn't be too hard.

Goal #2 Plan meals and snacks, this will be important as I return to work this week. I don't want to get in the quick food habit again.

Goal #3 Plan my workouts and stick with them: Speedwork and Hill run, boot camp and strength.
  • Mon: Strength
  • Tues: AM Boot Camp PM Run
  • Wed: AM Speed Run PM: Stregnth with trainer
  • Thurs: ?AM Bike PM: Run
  • Fri: AM: Bike PM: Strength
  • Sat: AM Run PM: Swim
  • Sun: AM: Long Run
Goal #4 Spend at least 30 min each day focusing on what my daughter wants to do.

Black Bean Pepper Enchiladas
2 peppers roasted and diced
1 onion roasted and diced
1 small zucchini roasted and diced
2 ears roasted corn (or 1/2 cup frozen corn)
2 cloves garlic minced
1 15oz can black beans rinsed and drained
6-8 corn tortillas
1 can tomato sauce
2 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce + 1 tbsp sauce
1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 tsp cumin
1 cup cheddar cheese

In food processor puree chipotle peppers and tomato sauce, add cumin (or use red enchilada sauce). Saute roasted pepper, zucchini, onion corn garlic and black beans. Add yogurt and 1/2 cup sauce.

Layer corn tortilla in bottom of greased baking dish, top with veggie mix and 1/3 cup cheese. Repeat with one more layer or filling. Top with tortillas pour on remaining sauce and top with cheese.

Bake 350 for 16-18 min or until cheese is bubbly.

August Challenge Day 6 Highs and Lows of the past year:

Highs: Having the courage to make some huge scary decisions that I know in the long run will be the best thing. I am becoming a better mom as my daughter turns into such a strong (and stubborn) girl. My workouts are falling into place and I finally feel like my running is coming back.

Lows: The difficult career times that made me realize I wasn't happy and it was affecting all aspects of my life. My start of the year racing hasn't been wonderful and I have dealt with a tough calf injury that is finally resolving,


  1. Congratulations on your hard work training and meeting the goals you are setting.

    Good luck with your career goals.

  2. I have to make that enchilada recipe sometime. I love enchiladas! Great job with your goals! :]

  3. New follower from Fitness Cheerleader! Great Goals!! Can't wait to try these enchiladas!


  4. Mmm, those enchiladas sound so good. I need to do a better job of planning meals and snacks, especially snacks... I tend to graze in the afternoons while my daughter naps and it could be much healthier!

    1. Snacks are my downfall! I try to workout during naptime or I graze the entire time!

  5. Congrats on those goals last week! Good luck this week too! And thanks for sharing the recipe! Those enchiladas sound yummy!

  6. You are doing great and I love hearing in your highs that things are falling into place! You got this!!

    1. Thanks, it is great when things seem to just work out :-)

  7. Oh making the decision to change jobs or careers is tough - I did that 3 years ago, and I'm already contemplating another one. Great training plan - what race are you trianing for?

    1. Career change is scary but sometimes the best decision.

      I have 2 halfs coming up and then Twin Cities Marathon.

  8. It sounds like you have great goals for this week!

  9. Thank you for the awesome recipe! I need to try a boot camp class. They offer them where I teach yoga, so I could go for free. Yes, I really need to try...

    1. Yes do the boot camp. I started about 6 weeks ago and love it.


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