Mental Training

I have probably known this for years, but have always found it easy to forget as I continue to push through most things and achieve my goals. Recently it has been brought up by a few people including my trainer and husband: as tough as I can be I am my own worst obstacle. Why can I mentally push through a tough run some days but talk myself away from other obstacles or back down? It makes me think of the song by Lit My Own Worst Enemy Maybe not for the lyrics but the title surely fits!

Since the summer my trainer has mentioned multiple times that I have one speed in racing, yes I am more of a long distance runner but my 5K pace should not be seconds faster than my 10 mile pace! The speed gets tough and uncomfortable so I back down!

Yesterday he had me running sprints in between weight sets and I talked him down from 10.0 to 9.5 on the treadmill, why I don't know! After two sets of what seemed comfortable he made me run the last one at 10.0, success! Box jumps were my other mental roadblack yesterday, ugh! The worst is knowing you can but the fear takes over and you don't even want to attempt.

Yesterday Matt brought up me talking about doing a try and wondered if I would follow through. I wonder too. I hate (or at least have myself convinced) open water swimming. The thing is I know I can swim, but always talk myself out of it.

This quote pretty much sums it all up "As an athlete, if you want control over what your physical energy creates, you must maintain an awareness of your thoughts and intentions." (Porter, 2003)
We focus so much on the physical aspects of training, learn to push through the tough workouts but when we come up to a challenge we need the mental toughness to make that first (or next step). As I continue to focus on rebuilding I think I need to add in some mental training as well.
What situations are tough to push through (or begin)? How do you get over the mental hurdle?

Linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday

Thank you to everyone who voted, I made it in the Top 25 Mom Health/Wellness Blogs!


  1. Hey!
    I'm new to your blog trough GGS! Congratulations to made it into the Circle of Mom's Top 25!! Awesome!!
    And ugh, I've been having a very hard time pushing my mind lately... Is it something in the water maybe??

    1. Thanks! If it is in the water maybe we need to just drink more coffee :)

  2. Congrats on top 25!!! You are going to do a tri! If I can do it, you can do it no problem. Seriously, I am the worst swimmer out there. Fist step is to sign up, once I do that, I can't back down.

    1. So true, once I sign up I can't rethink the idea!

  3. congrats on your top 25! how exciting. i am definitely my worst obstacle. mental training sounds like something many of us need. happy friday!

    1. Thanks :) Yes we are often the toughest on ourselves.

  4. congrats on the top 25! I often wonder if all this physical activity is more a mental game than a physical one!

    1. So true, if we can mentally push through the physical part is easy :)

  5. Congrats on making into the Top 25 Health & Wellness Moms! Cheers! Tara :)
    P.S. Love the Ralph Marston quote!

    1. Thanks :) I love the quote too, so fitting for how I am feeling right now.

  6. Congrats! And, a really important topic. Thanks for being so honest about holding yourself back. I think we all do it from time to time.

    Push through and go FAST!

    1. Thanks Kate. It is something we often don't think about even as we make excuses. We need to look at where they are coming from and how can we overcome the negative thoughts.

  7. Congratulations! and I agree with everyone else, this is such an important topic. I block myself mentally too and see so many other friends do it too! I do so much better when I have someone pushing me!

    1. Now the key is to figure how we can be that person doing the pushing for ourselves :)

  8. Congratulations on the top 25!

    I think the mental aspect of pushing through a tough challenge is the part we have to keep practicing. It's like our bodies learn and grow and get stronger along with our training, but our minds continue to challenge us and make us work for what we want.

    1. Thanks, I think you said it very well. We train for the physical part but forget the mental push too.


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