Setting healthy goals

About goals

This is the time of year we start to look back and reflect on the past year and analyze how things went, what we would do different and how to improve in the future. I am starting to plan for 2013 and deciding on races and goals. At the same time I am coaching a new group for a New Year's Day 5K , many ebginers who are asking how to set goals for the race and beyond.

Set goals that are concrete: thing like workout 1 hour 3 days a week, run a 20 minute 5K, Run 30 miles this week. Avoid things that you can measure: get healthy, start working out. You can start with this but then decide the steps to reach this and make this your goal.

Build on previous experience: Set goals based on past race times, workouts, etc. Look at your current situation and adapt the goals.

Make the goals realistc yet somethng to strive for: I will never run a 2:30 marathon (as much as I would love to!) but with the right training could run a 3:15 so this is my realistic goal. If you know 6 days a week running will never happen based on your life don't make that your goal it iwill only lead to dissapointment.

Set goals for yourself and not others: Do what you want, you will work harder and be happier achieving things you aim for them what others set for you.

Set a plan to meet your goals: And think about this...
What are your goals now and for the long term? How are you working to reach them? How do you deal with set backs?

Who's interested in a 13 in 2013 challenge? Challenge yourself to run 13 races or better yet 13 x 13.1 miles in 2013.


  1. This is a wonderful post! I'm planning to race 13 half marathons in 2013. After doing 12 this year 13 is really doable so I figure why not?!

  2. I absolutely love that first quote! I get so hung up on not reaching goals when they don't happen that I often forget how far ahead I am of the people who didn't set any. Great post!!

    1. Very true, setting goals helps push us ahead and make us reach for more :)


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