Turkey Day 5K

We have run this "race" many times, through name and sponsor changes, course changes and nasty weather. This year I went into it with hopes of a PR considering the perfect weather, but I failed to think about the massive amounts of people who would decide to run now that it wouldn't be too cold.

I'm not sure the exact numbers but there had to be well over 5000 people, many who had no clue how to line up for a race. I lost track of the extreme numbers of walkers, kids, strollers and dogs I passed after it took almost 10 minutes to cross the start line! I spent much of my time weaving and trying not to trip over dog leashes or people stopping in mid course. I pleased to hit Mile 1 with a 7:40, still 1 minute over where I hoped but I figured much slower given the conditions. I finally found a guy to follow who making a path through the course and was able to hold that pace with a little trail running through the downtown parks. I didn't care since it was November 22nd and I was running in shorts! Thanks to crazy weather it was 55F.

All done running!
I hit the 3 Mile mark and turned around to meet Matt and finished with him before heading in to watch O run in the kid's track race. Not only do they have a kid's track race but also activities inside while the parents run the 5K, she was able to wear herself out doing flips all morning in the bouncy house and then running her lap around the track with a huge smile on her face! My runner  :-)

Now that 2012 is nearing the end are you thinking about plans for next year? I know I am and as I mentioned before am making it my goal for 13 halfs in 2013. I’ve teamed up with Jill at Fitness, Health & Happiness to bring you Thirteen in 2013. As you plan your goals for 2013 think about, “what do I want to do 13 times next year.” Details coming soon!



  1. The 5k sounds like ours-- I started in the very front, and was still weaving and passing people, even a stroller and some walkers up there! Yours had much better kids activities...
    13 in 13 sounds awesome, can't wait to hear more!

    1. The kid activities are one of the main reasons we do this one now, and the fact I was given a free entry this year :)

  2. Hi Jen. I was in a rush this morning as a 13 year old stood over me waiting to go shopping. I meant to email you about today's post and send you the button. Sorry.

    I think the same group of people were at my race. No idea how to line up and the weaving around strollers and walkers was insane. The announcer guy must have said walkers and strollers line up in the back a million times and it still didn't happen.

    1. No problem, I just copied it off your post. We can work on the rest of the details and get those out later :)

  3. OMG your little runner is adorable!! 13 in 13 sounds like such a fun thing!!

    1. Thanks :) Watch for the 13 in 13 details soon and join us!

  4. I ran yesterday as well - it was packed! I don't think I'm going to do another Turkey Day 5K. I lined up pretty close to the front yesterday, and there were still strollers and walkers in front of me, and people just hopping onto the course right after the starting line! I wasn't even able to start running until 1/2 mile in. I'm glad it wasn't timed.

    1. The same thing I say every year after Torchlight but for some reason keep going back! The free entries help convince me to run it :)

  5. If I can pick any 13 things....I might be able to do this. I've never run a race before so I'm not sure if I could do 13 races (even 5Ks) in 2013. Or can I?

    1. Sure, that's why we left it open so everyone can set there own challenge. I bet you'd do great with 5Ks :)

  6. I'm excited to hear more about 13 in '13! Why not keep it going?

    1. It should be fun, more info will be out very soon :)

  7. That looks like a really fun race for the entire family to do! You already know I'm on board for 13 in 2013. Have a great weekend!


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