When the body rebels: 10 mile race

I almost didn't write about this race, but I guess we can't always talk about the good and leave out the bad. A couple days ago we decided on one final race for the year, a 10 Mile to raise money for college scholarships.
Check out my fun new Nike tights!

The weather was perfect, but everything else was against me; a noon start, "gaining" 1 hour but a child who woke at 4:15am and refused to nap, and as we started my body rebelled in nearly every way. After the mental talk last week I told myself I was going to push through and see what I could do.

The race was small, no chip time and about 150 people running. The course was a nice loop around a lake, but hilly! I began with such high hopes but those were quickly knocked down when it hurt to breath, I could barely take in a deep breath despite running a pace I can easily hold for 10 miles. I sounded like the person you pass and wonder if they will make it. I have been dealing with a slight cold, but didn't think it was this bad. I tried holding my pace but quickly slowed, I just could not physically do this. Mile 5: 37:30 (hoping to be under 35:00).

Hill after hill I struggle with my breathing until the pain has now moved to include extreme lower abdomen pain too around mile 6. Just keep moving, now MIle 7 and my left hamstring is getting in on the pain game too after all the those hills it too is pissed. I know the flat miles are coming and so is the end. I am finally catching the girl ahead of me and hold on as best I can. Finally the finish line at 1:14, ugh. The strange part, I think I ran my first negative split ever in a race despite this being my worst race in a long time!

Okay so that is behind me and I will move on. No more racing, besides a couple fun 5Ks for awhile. Just focus on strength and health. How do you move on beyond a tough race?

Check out Laura's blog and my feature today.


  1. I have found that the only thing that helps after a tough race is time. If you find a better [and quicker] way to move on let me know :)

    1. Sorry, think you are right time is the only answer.

  2. Enjoy the down time from racing to focus on being healthy and strong!

    1. This is my plan, no pushing just improving and listening to my body.

  3. Waking up that early is rough! Toddlers make daylight savings so difficult. And a noon start is not fun, either. But that's still a very decent time! Congrats on pushing through!

    1. I used to enjoy the extra hour before having a child, now I dread the time changes!

  4. I think the lack of sleep has a huge affect on our bodies and we don't even realize it. My 9 year old still doesn't sleep in and it's so super annoying. Some day I know I'll complain that he sleeps until noon, but not yet.

    I had an awful race last weekend and am just trying to look at it as a learning experience. Our bodies don't always cooperate, there's nothing we can do about it. It's a good lesson in learning to let go.

    1. This is key, we need to learn from every race: what went right, what went wrong and improve on it :) Then move on and accept how things happened.

  5. awww im sorry you didn't have the race you hoped for! I love 5K's though they are short and you can just do them for fun! No pressure and if you aren't feeling it no worries you are done in 3.1 miles! (:

    1. I am the opposite, I hate 5Ks at least racing them, fun runs are great!

  6. Nice job pushing through:) Sorry you struggled, but a negative split when feeling crummy is amazing! I just had a tough one myself and I decided to give myself a break from real racing for a couple months. Hope it helps:) BTW you get to pick the first prize from my virtual race! Woohoo! I sent you an email. Let me know if you didn't get it:)

    1. I am focusing on the negative split! Yes, a much needed racing break for me too :)


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