Pushing through tough times

Ever have those days when you fight with yourself to workout? The urge to sleep or eat or anything else is much stronger than the desire to workout. Yesterday everything was working against me: a little girl who is now on day 8 of waking up at 4am, the first of three long/early days for me, a headache and feeling tired and cold/snowy weather.

I failed the first fight and actually drove to the gym on my way home from work, realized a nap sounded better and turned around and left. I got home to find out that someone had a different idea, just as I laid down on the couch a certain nonsleeping little girl decided to wake up from nap 1 hour earlier then I expected. Seriously when will she sleep again? I feel like I am back to having a newborn who didn't sleep ever, no I am not exagerating! We were lucky if we got 1 hour at a time.
I am happy to say that things finally fell into place and I won round 2! After I lost the nap, I decided to eat, why not eat when you are tired and not really hungry! Hubby texted me to say he would be home early, so I rethought dinner got my gym clothes together and convinced myself an easy workout was going to happen. Even better I managed my full strength workout with some treadmill speedwork in between sets. Don't you love these days?!

The answer was a few minutes to reset, maybe a snack and then a second chance to get myself moving! How do you convince yourself to workout on these days?

I am working on a Thanksgiving recipe post, send me you favorite healthy recipes to marathonmom28@gmail.com


  1. true story that you only regret a workout you don't do! Whenever I don't feel like runny my fiance tells me "you know you will feel better after you do it" Which is so true! (:

    1. It really is, I always tell me runners go out and run for 10 minutes and if you aren't feeling better then stop which usually still means getting home!

  2. Way to push yourself! I have days like that too. Actually I have skipped working out for the last 3 days! Argh! Plan to go to the gym today though.

    1. Thanks, things are so busy and it is so easy to skip workouts!

  3. You'll find sleep again, soon I hope, hang in there. Sleep deprivation robs us of our motivation to do anything other than.....sleep, don't be too hard on yourself for missing a session or 2. I sometimes go to bed just after I put the kids down, it's the best gift I can give myself and I wake up thinking 'why don't I do that every night?!'
    You probably don't need to hear this but I have found I don't need any motivation to run since starting up again (coming up for 2 years). I have a 5, 3 and 2 year old and find being a stay at home mum to my little cherubs provides all the motivation I need to run! I live for the break, the freedom and the energy it gives me to cope better with my little friends. Maybe that's the answer, have 2 more kids........... ;D

    1. Wait, did my mom make you say have 2 more kids ;P So true that running is my break, me time, and I am only home some days and I need this too :)

  4. I feel like this ALL the time! It's so hard balancing motherhood and training when really you need sleep. Hang in there! I always try to remind myself that I feel better being fitter than those days I never get out of sweatpants. The workout really does motivate me in ALL areas of life.

    1. Working out is huge in every aspect of my life, it is amazing how much better it all is after a good workout but so tough that we often forget this feeling :)

  5. Uh, 8 days in a row of 4am is brutal. We've had quite a few 5am wakings this past week, and I thought that was rough. I hope it improves soon. Way to get your workout in, I'm impressed!
    I just did a Tgiving round up too... you're welcome to use my tofu pumpkin pie or pumpkin muffins... I think that's all I have that fits.

    1. Finally today she slept until 5am after 12 days! Thanks I will add your recipes :)


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