Happy Birthday, Good Bye Terrible 2s Hello Terrific 3s!

Happy Birthday to my little princess who turns 3 today. The terrible 2s are behind us and we enter the Terrific 3s now (a mom can dream, right?!). I can’t believe 3 years have passed already and how much you have grown and we have all learned. You started pre-school last week and move to the “big girl” class at gymnastics now. 3 is such a transitional time and I can’t wait to see what is ahead for you and how much you will continue to grow.

You are such a big girl, always trying to learn everything, so inquisitive and loving. Although the drama could be a little less on days. I should have known that you would only make life more interesting and I hope I am succeeding as the mom you want and love. I know at times I get frustrated and could be a better mom, I am sorry for the times I have needed to work and plopped you in front of the TV or the battles we have over stupid things like wearing a princess dress to the park. I am learning as I go and aiming to make you happy. We are all learning as we go and working through the trying times and frustrations attempting to give you the best opportunities and make you the strong woman I know you will become.

From the beginning we knew you were going to be a strong-willed stubborn child, first look at your mom! But the way you began your progress to life we should have known. Being told that we had nearly 0 chance of getting pregnant without intervention we were surprised shocked to hear the words “not negative” especially even when the doctor expected the opposite! I need to go back and thank him for the label he placed on you at 6 1/2 weeks, I still remember hearing that lovely heartbeat on ultrasound and him telling me you were “stubborn” and “a little fighter” but the best words heard “I have a good feeling, everything will be okay.” And sure enough you have done what you could to fulfill that trait beginning with your entering the world on your own time. 3 years ago today I was waking up in the hospital to finally hear the words “you’re dilated” and less than 12 hours later you were finally here.

In the past 3 years I am amazed at all you have achieved and your strong, loving personality and some of the things that you say have me laughing and pondering…
  •  You love gymnastics and dance and amaze me with your ability and strength. You want to be a gymnast when you grow up (hope your other plan of being a doctor stays as a back up plan)
  • You are so encouraging to others always telling the other kids (or me) “You can do it”
  • You love to sing and your voice is wonderful. I love listening to the songs you make up as you are falling asleep.
  • You have the appetite of a grown adult despite only weighing 28 lbs! I love how you ask for spinach and fruit and will try (and eat) nearly anything.
  • Your vocabulary is amazing as you tell me stories and use such large words.
  • Your ambitions are amazing and I hope you continue to strive to achieve whatever you want. You have told me you are ready for kindergarten and are intrigued with learning.

You make me so proud and I love you more than you know or as you often tell me “To the moon and back”. Despite our two strong personalities competing sometimes we have fun and I need to remember you are a little version of me. Stay strong monkey girl, keep your outgoing, adventurous, nurturing personality. Keep active and do what you love (a college scholarship wouldn’t hurt either!). Mommy and daddy love you and will do as much as we can to nurture and encourage you in everything you do.
i love you to the moon and back.


  1. You have a beautiful daughter! You are going to love the 3 year old year! Honestly it was my favorite.

  2. crying happy tears <3

  3. This is so sweet, Jen! I teared up- our experiences have been so similar... unlikely pregnancies, spunky, strong-willed little girls, and both turning 3 this week! I with you, hoping for "terrific" 3's. :)

  4. Happy birthday to your little girl. What a touching tribute to the joys and difficulties of parenthood. I have a stubborn girl too, and we are having a lot of fun...and several battles! :) I'm a touch worried about the teenage years...even though she's just 8.

    1. I often wonder what the teen years will bring!

  5. Ohhh! Happy Birthday to your sweet little girl! Made me think of my kiddos. We are in the thick of the 2s...unfortunately I've heard that the 3s aren't any better. ;)

    BTW - My daughter and I butt heads A LOT - we are so similar that it scares me!

    1. I have heard the same for 3's :( Let's hope everyone else is wrong!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday to your girl!


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