Speed Work and the best motivation


What a difference a day (and a a change of scenery) makes! Knowing I had a busy Thursday ahead of  me I set out for an early run but failed and turned my alarm off thinking my run was gone due to an afternoon commitment, but I did it. I spent the morning at a high school talking about my career education and past experience, it was interesting to hear from another woman who I have known for 20+ years that she had done something similar at the peak of her career and survived. Since I was out enjoying the bitter cold sub 0 weather I decided to hit the gym for the elliptical. Instead I changed and decided to hit the treadmill, I actually wanted to run!

I convinced myself that I could always run easy and then move to elliptical for the rest of my workout. My music started and I optimistically set the treadmill for 1 hour, put in an easy 7.0 mph and started. This felt good and the gym's constant activity was a good distraction, heck even CNN seemed interesting! After a mile warm up the music was pushing me and I started increasing speed and later incline. Mixing up the two and before I knew it I was nearing the end of my workout and closing in on 9 miles, of course I needed to add a little more! Am I the only one who hates ending runs at non-whole numbers? 

 Similar to my workout. Start at a comfortable pace for you and add speed or incline. Play with these numbers as you feel good. Your quads may love hate you the next day! I was having fun watching the young guy next try to keep up as he stared at my treadmill, this was motivation enough to push even faster! He was walking after 15 minutes and after a few more failed attempts to keep up was done, looked at me and said "you're fast" and walked away. Nice! Thanks for making my day!
I needed this run! I ended with 9 miles in 1:06:10 (7:21 average pace), it has been awhile since I managed this. Finally the run I needed, now I can feel like I am back to marathon training. I can't wait for the warmer weather (30s this weekend) and a nice long run outside, I might even be tempted to break out the shorts! It truly is amazing how changing I thing can increase motivation and one good workout is the best motivating factor. 

Linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday 


  1. Nice run! Seriously nice run!!!! That's impressive stuff, glad if gave you the boost you needed :)

  2. Those confidence boosting runs are so nice- way to go!!

  3. That looks like a great workout! I sometimes really enjoy using TMs for speed runs. They make you feel like you're flying :)

    1. TMs are great for speed work, really breaks it up and makes changing speed easy :)

  4. I wish I could pin that treadmill workout!

    Happy Fitness Friday!

  5. I love runs like that!!! Great job Jen!

  6. Woohoo! One change, one switch up, is all it takes to change your mind, body, and outlook.

  7. Nice workout! WTG keeping at it! It feels so great to have an "I needed this run" run every now and then. I totally agree about ending on whole numbers haha Drives my husband crazy when he thinks our run is done and I keep going to the cul de sac or back down the block to make it a whole number :)

    1. I do the same thing, run around the block, luckily I've hubby into my way of thinking :)

  8. So happy to hear that you found some mojo!! AND that you used the treadmill!! I too frequently change the speed and elevation if I get bored, and race the clock too. Anything to change it up a little to keep going! And the reality of subzero weather outside, is good enough motivation for me most days ;)

    1. Thanks, hoping this is only the start of a strong training :)

  9. Nice run! And nice compliment from your treadmill neighbor. I think you're fast, too.

    Hope you've been having a good weekend and stayed warm.

    1. Thanks Carrie :) IT was a heat wave of 30 degrees this weekend!

  10. The feeling when someone younger than you think they can keep up or outrun you. High five from me and all the mothers out there. My husband got me into running this year and I love it. Do you mind if I print out your killer quad workout sheet? I want to put it in our room as a goal to accomplish by the end of this year.

    Speaking of treadmills, do you know what kind of treadmill you were on? I took a little treadmill quiz thing and it said the sole fitness f85 would be my our ideal treadmill. (http://www.whatisrightforme.com/treadmill/). Do you have any experiences with that brand?


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