Yoga and Runners

Today is Day 1 of my 30 Day Yoga Challenge and hopefully as you are reading I am done with my first of many yoga workouts!

Why yoga? I have been saying for months I need to do this again, the benefits are endless! Increased strength and flexibility, injury prevention and decreased stress. I was talking to someone the other day who said she has taught her young daughter yoga to calm herself when she gets upset or frustrated. What a great idea, I decided to start trying this (kind of) too since O tends to be a little dramatic and easily gets herself worked up. The other day in the midst of a near fit I told her to show me some stretches from dance, she sat down started stretching and breathing and her mood immediately changed. AMAZING!

Since I am not taking a class on this first day I turned to Pinterest for the answer, I love Pinterest!

Here are a few workouts I found:

Good Morning Yoga
Pretty simple to follow and easy moves, great workout outside to start the day off 
try this yoga routine in the morning to open up & get ready for the day.

Bikini Body Yoga
This one looks a little more advanced but maybe I can get there one day!
Yoga Sequence Bikini Workout

Post-Run Yoga
This one also looks pretty easy and one I can handle
Postrun #Yoga Poses Your Legs Will Love
It was great timing that many other bloggers have posted on the importance of yoga from runners:

5 Benefits of Yoga for Runners from Laura at Mommy Run Fast

Yoga Home Practice for Runners 101  from Clea at Pancake is Cute

Who is joining me for the 30 Day Yoga Challenge? I hope this will get me back in the habit and make it a part of my daily routine. Thanks for all the suggestion before and I am excited to check out yoga podcasts on iTunes and videos on YouTube.


  1. I've actually been wanting to start yoga too!

    There's a 21 day challenge with videos for every day that you can find here.

    I plan on starting the "Newbie" version in February :)

  2. I've always wanted to do a yoga challenge! Good luck to you!

  3. I would highly suggest looking into I love to do yoga, but sometimes the classes don't match my schedule. This website has over 3,000 videos of all different levels and lengths. Best part is it's only $10/month, and I think your first month is free (not sure about that). I did a foam roller yoga class this morning!! My body needed it, but boy did it get deep into some painful places. Feel great now though! Best of luck on your challenge.

  4. I love yoga. I go twice a week. I enjoy the class setting and having an instructor to correct me.

    1. Going to my first class in a couple hours, hope I love it.

  5. We had a two hour delay from school today because of ice so I did some yoga at home - felt so great - just what I needed!

  6. That good morning sequence looks perfect... I'm seriously going to do it right now! And thanks for sharing the link, too.

    1. It is a good sequence, I did it all last week and love it :)

  7. Thanks for the yoga shout out! The good morning sequence does look good. I hope you can make it to some classes during your challenge. They make such a difference for runners I think, Jasper and I do yoga together too! Well...we try at least. They do it at his daycare and actually bring in a teacher certified in kids yoga. Yes, we have a super cool daycare!

    1. So cool on the kid's yoga, I'd love to get O doing it more :)

  8. I don't do yoga very often but I do Pilates most days. I don't always pist it because I count it as my stretching. I'm actually going to become a mat and ball Pilates instructor this year. Just waiting for my bonus to enroll. ;-)

    Yoga is a huge compliment to running. Keeps you flexible. Good luck!

    1. Fun, good luck with the pilates training sounds great :)


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