13 in 2013 Virtual Race Series

Announcing the first race of the 13 in 2013 Virtual Race Series, Tackle the Miles.

Jill and I will be hosting 6 13 in 2013 virtual races throughout the year to help you reach your running goal! The series is open to everyone, not just 13 in 2013 participants! You can see the race calendar here

 13 in 2013
The first race of the series is Tackle the Miles Virtual Race. Whether you’re a Patriots fan or a diehard 49er join us in celebrating Super Bowl Sunday. (No you don’t have to run the race on Sunday. You have a week to complete the miles!)

WHAT:  A virtual race is running a specified distance (You choose the distance.), timing yourself, without actually being present in the race location.

WHEN:  Anytime during the week of February 1st-8th

WHERE:  Pick your favorite local route or jump on the treadmill.

WHY:  For the love of running and….PRIZES (multiple winners)!

HOW:  Register by completing the form below and indicate what distance you will be running (5k, 10k, half marathon or full marathon). You can register for individual races of the series or the entire series of 6 races. Email addresses will only be used to communicate information about the races and to contact the winners.
Register Button
Official race bibs will be available January 30th

After you run, enter your race time HERE no later than February 12th. Your race time will get you +1 entry into the random prize drawing.

Optional Bonus Entries:
+1 linking up your race day post on February 13th either at Fitness, Health & Happiness or Marathon Mom 
+1 for submitting a race day photo by posting on your blog, on the 13 in 2013 FB page (if you’re a 13 in 2013 participant), submitting on Instagram or emailing your photo to jillconyers@gmail.com
+1 if the photo contains a football or your favorite team jersey (Specific to Tackle the Miles Virtual Race only.)

Now grab the Tackle the Miles Virtual Race button above, share on your blog, Facebook and/or Twitter hashtag #tacklethemiles and #13in2013 and help spread the word!

A Special Thank You to the wonderful sponsors of 13 in 2013 || Tackle the Miles Virtual Race

Click here to purchase Decaffeinated Green

Choice Organic Teas Fair trade organic teas

13 in 2013
Never Settle is more than just a tagline. It’s our calling. Our way of seeing the world. And the rallying cry for out entire company.  Mizuno

13 in 2013

Active Accessories – On-the-Go Pouch

13 in 2013

PRO Compression
Pro Compression- Athletic performance socks

13 in 2013
Spright Cosmetics - Performance driven beauty brand solely dedicated to Active Women.


  1. I'm excited to see how our first virtual race turns out!

  2. Me again! I keep missing your posts. Is there a way to follow you via RSS feed? Thanks!

    1. I think I just added it on the right side. You know how I am with blog stuff! Learning as I go :) Let me know if it works.

  3. LOVE THIS! Thank you! Question, will we get a reminder to up load our results? I have so many virtual runs planned I forget sometimes....I don't forget to run them just to log them.

    1. We will be posting to the FB group and on our blogs for sure. There should be an email to remind of link up and results.

    2. Awesome! Thanks!

  4. Thanks for doing this! I've been looking forward to finding out more about these races since I signed up for the 13 in 13.


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