Now what?! Another running injury...
I've been injured before but somehow not even knowing the cause makes it even worse! Here's a little right foot is a problem child! Ever since a surgery at age 16 due to years of dance injuries, then two cuboid stress fractures during my 2nd marathon which resulted in cuboid subluxation. Add to that posterior tibial tendonosis and you have one angry foot! It all started Sunday during my run when early on I had this slight foot pain (nothing different than I frequently get). The pain went away but quickly came back while I was walking Cooper after my run. By Monday morning every step meant pain that radiated mid lateral foot to ankle. I even gave in a went to urgent care wondering if I had broken it and not known, but X-Ray negative. This worsened despite doing nothing but walking on my foot and by Wednesday I had enough and saw my sports medicine friend. Sure enough a reread of the X-Ray showed signs of injury around cuboid. So diagnosis is still uncertain: ...