Are you ready for 2013?!
Here I sit on the final morning of 2012 and look back at my goals from the past year realizing I am about to write the same goals for the upcoming year and I am slightly disappointed to realize I am sitting in the exact same spot (or even further back) than I was 1 year ago in many aspects. But enough on that as I will reveal these goals and plans tomorrow after my credit card gets a workout taking advantage of all the final day race registration specials. I decided that my attitude is lacking right now after spending my last week sick and evaluating the past year might not be the best today. Instead I will focus my energy on the last day of 13 in 2013 registration and some more exciting news with our latest partner... This past July I did something very different for me and ran a fun race with friends with no intention of racing and it was wonderful! I mean what could be more fun than running covered in color?! Check out my full report from last Summer of The Color Run . W...