Color Run

I never do anything like this,but what a fun experience. It was so nice to take a break from the competitive side of races and focus on fun. A longtime friend of mine (Gacgirl), who is new to running set this up and I figured why not. It was fun to run with her and her friend Alecia and just enjoy the atmosphere. All I could think was who ever came up with this? And what kind of race can I start (I need a job, right?)?

We got there early and headed to the start with the 20,000 other runners (over 3 hours of starting) and managed to get into Wave 2. It was another hot, humid day and we were glad to be running early. I was so early that I decided to run 4 miles before the start around the college campus, kind of funny that my first time running campus was 12 years after I graduated!

I couldn't figure out a better way to explain and talk about the day without a lot of pictures, this was one of those things you just need to see first hand...

Pre-race: still white and clean!
With music blasting and excitement throughout the crowd we were off, ready to put an end to the clean white clothes! Each kilometer meant another color station: Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue. By the end of the run we were a pretty mix of colors and sweat! But still no where near the extent of color I had though. I soon found out where the rest came from when the color throws started! Imagine a huge crowd and massive amounts of colored powder being thrown up and flying through the air. It was quite a sight.

The color throw looking in
On the inside, this is crazy!

After the color throw

My shoulder with a special hand...

Got my color too

O also helped with the lack of color and she helped to decorate both myself and Gacgirl. I'm not sure who had more fun her or the runners. The only problem with the day is that 6 hours, 2 showers and 1 hour in pool later I still have blue skin and O still has blue hair. And of course we have pictures tomorrow, smart move mommy!


  1. Looks like you had fun. You looked so festive and colorful afterwards:)

    1. It was so much fun and different, great to run something for fun :)


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