Outside my comfort zone

Finally starting to feel better, but this virus (or I hope) has been kicking my butt. I keep hearing of more people having strep over the past week and am starting to wonder. This week I stepped outside my comfort zone on multiple workouts.

On Tuesday I skipped Boot Camp to sleep in and hit a morning cardio strength class instead. Low weight, hit reps with bands, dumbbells, steps and body weight. Now I understand why the class is so crowded! Yikes for something so different from my normal I am still sore days later. This week I also started the 30 Day Ab Challenege which is not only a tough Ab workout but takes coordination.

Yesterday I made it Boot Camp #2 and showed up to find everyone barefoot and nearly had an anxiety attack walking from my car. Anyone who knows me knows I am never barefoot, especially outside. I wear socks all the time, even when I wear sandals in the Summer I put them on as soon as I get home. I even plan my clothes around socks when I know my shoes will need to be removed. Yep, strange I know but I can't stand anything touching my feet (besides socks) and it isn't just my feet, I hate seeing or touching other feet as well. I gave in and got barefoot and jumped in the sand despite all my better judgement and thoughts about what was lurking in there. Maybe this is part of my hatred of swimming?!
This week's boot camp

Another tough Boot Camp with work buckets full of sand:
  • Running while carrying buckets
  • Lunge twists with bucket
  • Overhead carry with lunges
  • Jump turns
  • Crab walks
  • Walk out push ups
  • Sprints to make a sand pile (biggest loser style race)
  • All with burpees and/or push ups in between
I survived the workout and the bare feet only to get home to a little girl who convinced me to take her in the pool and actually get in since Matt was at work. It was a great way to get out with the heat still above 90F. Even a 1 mile walk to pick up CSA veggies later meant working up a full sweat!

Backyard water park!
One day to go until 50K and still not feeling 100% over this cold, the weather is cooling but still hot so here I am once again debating whether I take my chances at a DNF (1st ever) or sleep in and don't start and stay home for a long run.

Check out others at Fitness Friday Happy Friday, any fun weekend plans?


  1. You got some great strength workouts in! I'd be sore, too. :) Good luck figuring out what to do tomorrow- hope you're feeling better!

    1. Sore to me always means good strength workouts! Thanks, finally feeling almost better but decided against running to prevent a repeate of Boston.

  2. Visiting from Fitness Friday link up. Great job on boot camp. I have participated in 2 boot camps and they are always a great work out and push me to do more then I would on my own.

    1. So true on Boot Camp, they trick you into feeling they aren't really a workout until afterwards!

  3. I haven't ever been to a boot camp - but keep being more and more tempted after reading posts like yours!

    Feel better!

    1. I never thought I would do one either but I have found them to be really fun, so much that I am willing to start at 5:30am :)

  4. Awesome workout. I would love to try a bootcamp.

    So did you sleep in? My next 50K is in the fall.

    Hope you're feeling better :)

    1. Yep I slept in and it was the right decision considering I am still sick and worse :( but looking at a trail 1/2 for August.


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