Speedwork with a weasel

After the 5K a week ago I decided I needed to focus more on speed, makes sense right? How else can you get faster if you don't run faster? Like I said part of it for me in mental, I back down when it gets tough even though I can do more. I am even considering having a friend run a 5K with me and push me to my goal, never letting me back down.

Part of the solution was to join a couple running friends for 400m repeats at 5:30 am this morning, sounds good. Not really, my body doesn't run well when half asleep still. Combine that with tired legs from this past weekend and way too many lunges and squats yesterday and you have a tough speed workout.

  • 1 mile warm up
  • 1/3 mile speed- 2:20
  • Easy 2:00
  • 1/3 mile speed- 2:17
  • Easy 2:00
  • 1/3 mile speed- 2:16
  • Easy 2:00
  • 1/3 mile speed- 2:25
  • Easy 2:00
  • 1/3 mile speed- 2:12
  • Easy 2:00
  • 1/3 mile speed- 2:13
  • Easy 2:00
  • 1 mile cool down
The plan was to run 1:35 400m (6:20 pace) but I was running around 6:40 pace, so not too great. I hate to sound like I am making excuses but tired body and legs don't make speed easy! I know despite the slower speed I am still benefiting as I teach my body how to run faster when sore and fatigued. Now I have a base to work from and improve.

Yes, we did run a strange interval at 1/3 mile instead of the planned 400m since in our sleepiness mapped it out wrong! Things got interesting after the first interval when our new friend the weasel decided to start chasing. There was a point where we ended up standing on a picnic table! I think he (or she) hung around for the entire workout. Hey, after the recent otter attack around here you never know what could happen.

Last week I complained about running at night,now I complain about early morning running, can I ever be happy?!

A few weeks ago I was given a speed workout from another trainer that I wasn't so sure of: 1 mile warm up 1 mile as fast as possible 1 mile easy and repeat. I wonder how doable a workout like this is and what the benefits are. What is you favorite speed workout? Do you stick on the track or run them anywhere?


  1. I read a quote recently that said, "if you want to get there, you have to go there" and I've been thinking about that lately as I am antsy to get back into speed work, too!
    Great job on your relay too, by the way! Sounds like a really cool experience!

    1. Thanks Laura the relay was so much fun :-) WHat a great quote and so true, how can you expect to get somewhere (faster, stronger, etc) without doing the work?!


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