October already and ready to refocus

September has been a tough and busy month as I settle into my new schedule with work, school and family activities. It has been full of frustrations and difficulties, so much that I even considered not looking back or making goals for October. Ever have those phases where nothing seems to go well? I'm in the middle of one right now and need to break out!

Overall I still managed to make it through September pretty well
  • 233.7 miles run although not the highest quality 
  •  Spin class every Tuesday and Friday
  •  Strength training 3x week
  • ¼ through the semester (both teaching and student) and surviving!
My September goals, how did I do?
  • PR at the half marathon: No :-(
  • PR at 10 Mile race: No :-( This was the race of comedy 
  • Get better at PT exercises - at least 3x week Pretty good some 4-5x week and others only 1-2x week
  • Get back in the habit of weekly menu planning and making 1-2 meals on Sunday to have ready: Yes, but sticking to it has been the tough part later in the week
  • Organize 1 room in the house each week: No, I have hardly done anything at home!
Other plans for September without and real goal:
  • 35 mile Family bike (and yes I mean family: my parents, FIL and nephews and us of course): We all finished, had fun and took it easy
  • 5K Mud Factor: Done, maybe next time a tougher race
  • The start of our first "real" dance classes: O is having a blast, but my class was canceled due to lack of interest
  • Enjoy some fun Fall activities: apple picking, corn maze and planning for Halloween: Halloween costume for O is in the works and we made it to the corn maze last weekend
What is ahead? A lot of changes and new adventures:
  •  Marathon #20 in 6 days, at this point with my bad race season I am not expecting much and even went out and ran 15 mile this weekend because I wanted to
  •  RRCA coaching course in 1 week
  • Schedule NASM CPT test (yes, still working on this)
  •  A refocusing on my fitness: more strength, swimming, cycling and less running for now
  •  Better food planning (although I am letting myself have a week or so of bad eating: gluten, dairy, etc after TCM)
  • Work on getting back my love of running again and find some new activities to include in my fitness routine
  • More fun Fall activities: apple picking, O's 1st homecoming parade, Halloween 


  1. Where did you purchase your NASM studying materials from? I'd like to begin studying for the exam at the end of November and wanted to find the cheapest way to purchase the materials, but still get everything that I need :-)

    1. I went through NASM website and bought the package, watch for them to offer discounts.

  2. Your October sounds amazing. Enjoy it and good luck with the goals!

  3. Wow u go girl! I can't even get to marathon #1 yet ;)

  4. You are going to love the RRCA course! So excited for you! Good luck on your exam. I hope to take it in November so I will have to pick your brain after you are done:)

    1. My goal for the exam is November too. I can't wait for the course this weekend. I'll have to pick your brain on the RRCA test :)

  5. We all have those phases... I think you're wise not to pressure yourself with any lofty goals. Just take it a day at a time and enjoy life. :)

    1. It is important to take these breaks sometimes to remind ourselves why we really do what we do :)


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