Pushing myself and race dscount

You know you are in trouble when your trainer informs you "Today will be tough, I'm pushing you now". What?? I thought we'd had plenty of tough workouts already, guess not. Yesterday's strength workout took that that rank. He (and I) decided that now that marathon training is done (for now) and I am in the off season it is time to  push beyond my comfort zone even further.


I have always done leg focused sports: dance, running, cycling and despite my short time as a gymnast have always lacked the upper body strength. Well not anymore, we've been putting an end to that. I was so happy to have worn a tank yesterday and was able to see my arms working! And felt strong!

Have you even done pull up let downs? A pull up followed by a 5-10 second slow release down. And then follow by push ups, yikes. My arms were (and still are) burning. Add to this bench press, shoulder press, a lot of core work and multiple variations of lunges and squats and you have one tough workout. Now bookend that with a run, I wasn't sure I would be able to push the toddler filled BOB for the 2 miles home afterwards my arms were shaking. I love tough workouts! Such a great way to prove to yourself that you really are strong and can achieve more. How do you push yourself?
LTR 5K Group Training Free for Commitment Day Participants (Regularly $75)

Fun New Year's plans? Want to join thousands of others for a healthy start to 2013? Run Commitment Day 5K throughout the US on New Year's Day. Even better: are you looking to start running or improve your speed? Join many Life Time Fitness locations for FREE training starting in November (for members and non-members). So grab your friends and family and start the year off right. Want $5 off race fee: Use code CHA0070

Linked up for Fitness Friday


  1. Sounds like a super hard workout girl! And to push a stroller after...you are amazing!!!

    1. The strolling pushing was tough, I hadn't even thought about getting home when I left the house!

  2. That is one intense workout! I'm trying to focus more on upper body strength, too. It would help if I had someone to push me like that!

    1. It really does help to have my trainer and one who pushes me! I get stuck in the same routine and do the easy stuff if not.

  3. Your lucky to have someone to push you like that! Great job!

    1. He is a great trainer and it helps that I know him from working there too so he likes to be extra tough on me.

  4. So awesome! Love those type of workouts:)

    1. Tough workouts are great, I love the soreness afterwards to remind me how much I did.

  5. That workout is epic! I love a hard workout, and like you, I'm now out of training season, so I guess it's nearly time to push!

    1. Yes, time to focus on the things we were afraid might hurt the running when training :)

  6. Awesome workout!

    As I wind down my goal of 12 half marathons in 2012 my plan is to push myself further with training for my first 50 miler. Now that I think about it pushing myself is usually "how far can I run."

    1. How and how fast are usually my ways of pushing too! This is new to me to push for strength instead and feels great :)

  7. That sounds like quite a tough workout! No wonder your arms are still burning. Great job!

    1. Even better was trying it again on Saturday, wow that was tough!


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