Mommy needs to run

Ever have one of those days where everything is going wrong and it just doesn't seem to change? Well that was yesterday! It all started with an early (5am) wake up for O which only spiraled into massive toddler meltdowns and drama. Long before lunch there was a huge pile of toys on "time out". Things are always tougher my first day home after a few work days, she is seeking attention and not always sure of how to do that, I mean today I had a shoe thrown at me in the car! The day was complete with kicking, spitting, lack of listening and slamming doors (yes she has already learned this). I was that mom at the store who's kid was making a scene, she even decided to sit down in a pile of flour spilled on the floor and nearly opened a yogurt container! On top of all this and a few meltdowns on my part my GPS took us to the wrong place when I gave in a took her to an art play date, yes we eventually made it for our short good behavior period of the day

I know someday I will appreciate that I have a strong willed, independent daughter but it does not make for easy toddler days! So parents out there What works? Any suggestions to deal with this behavior? We have tried it all: time outs, taking away toys and fun events, ignoring bad and praising good, but there are days when nothing works!

I love fall running, look at all those great colors!

By the time nap came around I was more then ready and needed a run to clear my head and de-stress. I was more than happy when Matt was home early and was able to get out for nice solo run. I needed this and felt much better afterwards despite the gusting winds that I seemed to run into no matter which direction I headed! 6 miles later my day was much better, thank you running. It is amazing what a good run outside in the fresh air can do for you not only physically but mentally as well.

Happy Friday, any fun plans? Me, nothing major just a little 26.2 mile run on Sunday (2 days until #20)! Check out Fitness Friday and see what others are up to.


  1. Good luck on Sunday! I hope your weekend goes more smoothly:)

  2. Oh, yes... we have those days. I'm so sorry! Good thing we have running, how do people deal with their stress without it?? :)
    As for what works, I have no idea. I think you're right on that it's an attention seeking thing, so when this kind of behavior starts I try really hard to stop what I'm doing, get on her level and do something together like reading, painting, etc... and lots of hugs! My daughter has become really needy for hugs lately, and that seems to help curb some of the acting out. Know that you're not alone!

    1. Running is the key! It is tough to manage everything and the toddler needs too sometimes :)

  3. Oh, boy. Your daughter sounds like mine. I also attribute it to not spending enough time with her. I think it's mostly attention-getting behavior. I notice things are better when I try to be more patient and do things at her speed (like get dressed). I also try to set her up for success. When we get to a store we talk about how I expect her to behave, it works sometimes but not always. When she does behave, she lets me know - "Mommy, I'm behaving for you".

    1. Good reminders, these are the things so easy to forget with toddlers. It is good to hear I'm not alone in this :)

  4. Ha, makes me glad my kids are grown up! I remember those days. You're lucky that you have running for an outlet.

    1. So they do grow out of it?! ;) Not sure what I would do without running :)

  5. You have already found 'the answer' you run! I don't think there is anything you can really do to change that toddler behave other than get through it with the least amount of stress (to yourself) possible. I know days, weeks like that are awful but it will end and you WILL look back and smile (PROMISE!) Make sure you whip the camera out and film some of those tantrums, I know it's not your first instinct when you're seriously contemplating finding the nearest bridge to throw yourself off but you will LOVE those films the most when she's out of that stage. My 5 year old loves watching one in which he hit his dad, get into trouble and then shouts at the top of his voice "I'm a PRINCESS!!!" :D (wine helps too but not the next day, just run!) I also wear ear my hubbies ear defenders in the house on REALLY bad days, I can still hear the kids alas but it takes the edge off ;)

    1. Yes, wine helps too! Although that usually waits until the end of the day :) Hoping to not jinx myself we are now in a calm phase, let's hope this one last a long time!

  6. Yikes..toddler age is not fun at times. Unfortunately those days just happen. Just try to be consistent and don't give in to the tantrum...easier said than done I know! Good luck on Sunday!!!!

    1. Thanks it really is good to hear I am not alone and will survive this!

  7. Same boat with my daughter and I will echo the others and you thinking it's attention-seeking behavior. It's always worst with change, like Mondays are rough when my husband returns to work. Add mild illness, starting all keeps it tricky. Once a parent has all the appropriate parameters & discipline stuff in place, there isn't much you can do (not that it stops me from reading a bunch of parenting books in hopes I'm missing something...) I think this age is just something you gotta get through.

    Oh, kids. So fun sometimes :)

    1. So true, it is always worst on my first day home after a few long work days. Don't mess with that toddler routine!

  8. Oh you poor thing :-(. I don't have advice, naturally, but I can send you my love. I'm glad you got out for a run and...good luck Sunday!

  9. I don't know what I would do without running. It seriously makes me a better mom. Running aways makes a bad day better :)

    1. Yes, I have said it many times in the past 2 1/2 years but running really does make me a better mom. :)

  10. Beautiful fall pictures! The leaves have just started to turn here and I can't wait to enjoy the changing leaves on my upcoming runs.

    1. I love the fall colors, such great running scenery :)


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