Weekly Goals
I just found this great weekly goal setting link up from Melissa at Live, Love, & Run and I love the idea. Set at least 1 goal a week and then check back in on Monday, what a great way to hold yourself accountable and see what others are doing as well. Goal #1 Register to take NASM CPT exam. I keep pushing this off and had hoped to have this done a few weeks ago. Now is the time, once I schedule it I know I will have a deadline. Goal #2 Cook at least 1 new meal this week. Our CSA is providing us a lot of great vegetables that are beginning to pile up so time to make use of the squash. Along with this I will track my food to see where I am. Goal #3 Swim at least once, I was getting into this habit but have slacked off and need to add it back in. Goal #4 Drink 100+ ounces of water daily. This morning at Boot Camp we decided that for the month of August to set weekly goals for the group so this week it is to drink close to body weight in water. What are your week...